Together with its members – the LANDIs – fenaco forms a federation of cooperatives under Swiss law. Its head office is in Bern. fenaco's subsidiaries are largely constituted as companies limited by shares. Its two highest bodies, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board, determine fenaco's path.
As at 31 December 2023, the fenaco cooperative consisted of 145 members (predominantly LANDIs), 128 of which ran business operations. These member organisations, in turn, are owned by 41,117 individual members, the majority of whom are farmers. Membership of fenaco is open to cooperatives and other legal entities that pursue the same or similar purpose as fenaco.
Articles of Association of the fenaco cooperative
The fenaco cooperative's Articles of Association define the company's name, registered office and purpose as well as numerous other organisational details such as its cooperative capital, membership, committees, meetings and bodies.